Made Righteous

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” — 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NIV)

This verse is incredible! It’s saying that Jesus, who never sinned, took on all of our sin so that we could share in His righteousness. Basically, He traded places with us. We got His perfect record; He took our mess. That’s grace in action!

Think about that today: You are already righteous in God's eyes. Not because you’re crushing it at being a good person, but because of what Jesus has already done for you. It’s not about striving to be perfect, but about living from this truth. When you mess up (and we all do), remember that God still sees you wrapped in the righteousness of Christ. How freeing is that?

Why is this important? It means you don’t have to walk around carrying guilt or shame. You can approach today with confidence, knowing that God sees you through the lens of His Son’s perfection. This changes everything about how we live, love, and respond to challenges!

Take a breath, lean into this truth, and walk boldly today—you are covered in His righteousness.

Lord, thank You for the gift of righteousness through Jesus. Help me to live confidently, knowing that I am already right with You. When I stumble, remind me that Your grace is always bigger. Amen.

Go out and live like the righteous child of God you already are! 💪